Public records

We can fulfill records requests for case reports, photographs associated with a particular case, jail records and booking photos. If you are requesting a call log (aka CAD screen) or audio of a 911 call into the Dispatch Center you must make that request to the La Grande Police Department.

If a case is still under investigation we may not be able to give you a copy of the report and would then refer you to the District Attorney’s Office.

If you request a report about a motor vehicle accident (MVA) we suggest you contact your insurance company and have them request the report. The reason is that there is a fee associated with getting a report and you may want to let your insurance company pay to get the report, then get a copy from them.

The fees associated with public records are set by County Court Order 2021-19 and are as follows:

Case Report-$10 for the first 5 pages and .25 for each page thereafter.

Photographs printed-$5 each

Photograph CD-$25 each

Jail Records-$10 up to 10 pages, $15 for 11 or more pages

Research and production fees-$35 per hour. Up to 15 minutes, there is no charge, after 15 minutes the $35 fee applies with a minimum charge of 1/2 an hour.

Once you make a request, the Records Specialist will let you know what the cost will be before fulfilling the request so you can decide if you want to proceed. In some cases, usually those that will require a lot of hours to fulfill, we may require that the fees be paid in advance.