Inmate’s can receive mail from family and friends while they are incarcerated.
To be accepted, incoming mail MUST include a return address. A minimum of first initial, last name, street address or PO Box, city, state and zip code are required. Mail that does not meet this minimum will be refused.
Inmates can receive money orders and cash through the mail to purchase items from the commissary. We highly recommend you do not send cash through the mail.
The following items can also be sent through the mail:
Paperback books-they will be accepted if they come directly from a publisher or retail outlet such as Barnes & Noble, Amazon, etc.
Underwear, socks and t-shirts-these must be new and in the original, unopened package. T-shirts must be plain white, have no pockets, lettering, sayings or pictures. Underwear and socks must be plain white with no adornments.
Cards-plain cards are acceptable. There can be nothing affixed to the card such as glitter or ribbons. Cards that play music will be refused.
The following items will be refused and returned to the sender:
Letters written with crayon, permanent marker or colored pencil will be refused. Letters must be written with ink or pencil.
Newspaper articles are not allowed.
No perfumes, lip stick, stickers or any other foreign substance will be accepted.
Stamps or envelopes (other than what the item was mailed in) are not accepted. These items can be purchased by the inmate through commissary.
Our mailing address is:
Inmate Name
c/o Union County Correctional Facility
1109 K Ave.
La Grande, Oregon 97850