Concealed Handgun License Online Class

Deadly force

Opportunity – is the person actually in a position to harm you (for example, the jihadist who has sworn to kill all infidels and is armed with an AK-47 in the Hindu Kush)

If threatened, you must be able to justify your actions by explaining how you were immediately in danger. You cannot be threatened one day and shoot the bad guy the next.

Jeopardy – by word or action signals purpose to feloniously assault you; actually, no foolin’ places you in danger.

If the subject has broken off the attack and is fleeing, you cannot shoot him or her.

You cannot use a firearm to protect material property – only life – yours or others.

The guy has a high power rifle and he’s 20 feet away (your neighbor loading up to go deer hunting).

The “banger” with a Bowie knife in a sheath trash talking you in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

The unarmed 8-year-old who says he’s going to kill you and charges from 15-feet-away.

In order to be justified in shooting the bad guy MUST HAVE

  • The ability or means (usually a weapon) to hurt or badly injure you
  • The opportunity or proximity to injure you
  • AND actually place you in jeopardy

Shoot to stop the threat – if you shoot an attacker, you need to keep firing until the threat is stopped.

Shoot for center mass – never to wound or disable.

Why center mass?

It’s the biggest target (and it’s really easy to miss on the two-way range).

It houses vital organs, which, if disrupted, are most likely to cause the individual to stop doing that which you shot him for.

Consequences of a shooting

Be mentally prepared. Ask yourself, can I take another person’s life? Am I willing to take another person’s life?

If not – you are the threat.

We never fire a warning shot! The shot can injure or kill an innocent bystander.

If you are ever in a situation where you must take someone’s life, you may experience what is called post-shooting trauma. This might consist of nightmares, appetite disturbance, depression and the like.