Wolf Depredation

Wolves in Union County

In Union County, there are approximately 11 wolf packs. Some of those packs spend time in border counties.

Wolf Depredations are handled mutually between the Union County Sheriff’s Office and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife(ODFW) and on occasion, Wildlife Services will also assist.

A depredation is considered any domestic animal that has been or is believed to have been attacked or killed by a wolf or pack of wolves. Once reported as a potential wolf depredation, both ODFW and UCSO will investigate the injured or deceased animal to determine what animal most likely caused the death of that animal.

Whether you like the wolves or not, they are a part of our environment in Union County. It is important to remember ODFW cannot be everywhere at once. Reporting depredations can assist ODFW in keeping up-to-date information on pack size, location and activity.