Kennel inspection checklist

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Date / Time
Kennel Address (if different from above)
Type of Kennel
Licensing Status
Kennel Veterinarian Information
Dogs are kept In/On

Indoor kennel or indoor with outdoor kennel specific questions:

Kennel is adequately heated and/or cooled with adequate lighting:
Kennel is maintained in a sanitary manner:
Kennel has adequate ventilation (i.e. little to no smell)

All kennel questions

Dogs are housed in a humane manner:
Dogs are able to stand, lie down and turn around freely:
Dogs are fed at least once daily (food is sufficient quantity & quality for dog(s))
Dogs have access to clean, fresh potable water in sufficient quantity:
Dogs have appropriate bedding and shelter:
Dogs have adequate exercise space
Area maintained in a sanitary manner:
Dog enclosure is not stacked or otherwise placed above or below any other dog enclosure:
Waste and Contaminants are removed from enclosure at least one each day?

Breeding Kennel and Whelping Area Questions for 10 or more Sexually intact dogs 8 month or older (ORS 167.376)

The whelping area is indoors and separate form other kennel areas
Enclosure has a solid floor without slats or gaps:
Records for each breeding dog are kept
Each dog over 4 months of age is provided at least 1 hour of regular exercise each day:
Dog is removed from enclosure during cleaning:
Provide each dog with sufficient space to turn about freely, stand and sit and to lie down without the head, face, tail, legs or feet of the dog touching the sides of the enclosure or touching any other dog
Records are maintained for each sexually intact dog that is eight months or older (must keep record for 3 years) including the Age, Date which dog was acquired, and any Veterinary care provided for the dog.
A Sheriff's Deputy has inspected this kennel and in accordance with Union County Ordinance Section 7 has concluded the Kennel to be:
This Kennel Inspection was completed by: