1109 K Ave., La Grande, OR
(541) 963-1017
You must have a kennel license if you have 4 or more ADULT dogs (over 6 months of age).
All kennel licenses need to be renewed at the start of the new year.
To obtain a valid Kennel License:
1st: Obtain a Land Use approval through your City or County (you will need to go through the Planning Commission)
2nd: ALL adult dogs require a current Rabies Vaccination.
3rd: A Sheriff’s Deputy will inspect your kennel. The inspection requirements can also be found on our website.
ALL dogs will be registered with the County upon Kennel Inspection approval and a $50 fee will be paid at that time.
Please note, if your Kennel is reported for any Ordinance Violation, the License could be denied or revoked.
If you would like an inspection of your kennel, please fill out the following form!